

腫瘤醫(yī)學科 腫瘤外科
鄧甬川,男,博士,教授,主任醫(yī)師,博士生導師?,F(xiàn)任浙江大學醫(yī)學院附屬第二醫(yī)院腫瘤外科主任,乳腺腫瘤診治中心主任,乳腺腫瘤病區(qū)主任。中國藥學會委員,中國抗癌協(xié)會腫瘤化療和抗癌藥物專業(yè)委員會委員,浙江省醫(yī)學會理事,浙江省醫(yī)學會腫瘤學分會候任主任委員,腫瘤外科分會副主任委員,浙江省抗癌協(xié)會乳癌專業(yè)委員會副主任委員。 畢業(yè)于原浙江醫(yī)科大學,1991年獲博士學位,師從于我國著名的腫瘤學專家鄭樹教授和甄永蘇院士。從事腫瘤臨床工作已30余年,精于乳腺良惡性腫瘤的診斷和治療,尤其擅長乳腺癌的手術治療(根治術,保乳術,保腋術)、輔助治療、新輔助治療和綜合治療(放療,化療,內分泌治療和靶向治療等)。對乳腺癌的保留乳房手術和保腋窩手術有豐富的經驗和很好的治療效果。對復雜、疑難的乳腺癌治療有獨到的造詣。熟知乳癌治療領域最新的國內外臨床研究進展,并將最新成果應用于臨床實踐,為乳癌患者提供最新、比較好、最適合的治療。 承擔或參加多項國家、省部級課題,發(fā)表SCI論文20篇。先后獲1994年浙江省第四屆青年科技獎,2003年教育部科技進步獎一等獎,2005年國家科技進步獎二等獎。 發(fā)表文章 1.Chen JQ, Tian W, Cai HK, He HF, Deng YC*. Down-regulation of microRNA-200c is associated with drug resistance in human breast cancer. Med Oncol, 2012; 29:2527-2534 2.Tian W, Chen JQ, He HF, Deng YC*. MicroRNAs and drug resistance of breast cancer: basic evidence and clinical applications. Clin Transl Oncol, 2012 Aug 23. [Epub ahead of print] 3.Zhou MQ, Hu XY, He HF, Chen JN, Chen LR, Deng YC*. Neoadjuvant HIFU treatment for malignant fibrous histiocytoma: report of a case. J Med Ultrasonics, 2012; 39: 259-264 4.Hu Y*, Li XZ, Deng YC, Zhou MQ, Zhang SZ. Primary Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of the Breast: A Case Report and Review of 38 Chinese Cases. Clinical Breast Cancer, 2012; 12 (5): 382-385 5.Cai HK, HF, Tian W, Zhou MQ, Hu Y, Deng YC*. Colorectal cancer lymph node staining by activated carbon nanoparticles suspension in vivo or methylene blue in vitro. World J Gastroenterol, 2012; 18(42): 6148-6154 6.Cai HK, Tian W, Zhou MQ, He HF, Hu Y and Deng YC*. Jejunal intussusception and polyps with different types of malignant transformation in Peutz Jeghers syndrome: Report of a case. Oncology Letters, 2013; 5: 239-241 7.Cai HK, Zhou MQ, Hu Y, He HF, Chen JQ, Tian W, Deng YC*. Solid-pseudopapillary neoplasms of the pancreas: clinical and pathological features of 33 cases. Surg Today, 2013; 43(2):148-154 8.Tian W, Deng YC, Li L, He HF, Sun J, XU D*. Honokiol synergizes chemotherapy drugs in multidrug resistant breast cancer cells via enhanced apoptosis and additional programmed necrotic ...

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