胡志偉,臨床醫(yī)學專業(yè)博士,畢業(yè)于首都醫(yī)科大學,胃食管反流病科副主任,師從中國血管外科奠基人、中國胃食管氣道反流疾病開拓者、中科院院士汪忠鎬教授。在汪院士的長期親自指導和引領下,對胃食管反流病及其相關(guān)呼吸道疾病的診治和發(fā)病機制進行實踐和研究,對血管外科疾病進行實踐。擅長反流性食管炎、食管裂孔疝、非糜爛性胃食管反流病、反流相關(guān)性哮喘、反流性咳嗽、反流相關(guān)支氣管擴張等疾病的診治,熟練腹腔鏡下胃底折疊手術(shù)、賁門失馳緩癥手術(shù)及內(nèi)鏡下微創(chuàng)治療?!杜R床誤診誤治》、《中華胃食管反流病雜志》、Clinics in Surgery Journal 和Annals of Chronic disease雜志編委。獲全軍醫(yī)療成果獎二等獎一項(2015),以第一作者或共同作者發(fā)表相關(guān)論文40余篇。參編著作4部,參編人衛(wèi)版研究生教科書相關(guān)章節(jié)一部,參編高教版外科學教科書胃食管反流病章節(jié)一部。
在 國 內(nèi) 外 發(fā) 表 主 要 論 文 題 目 及 刊 物 名 稱
1. Radiofrequency treatment for respiratory symptoms due to gastroesophageal reflux disease. Gao X, Wang ZG, … Hu ZW, Chen X. Chin Med J (Engl), 2011;124(7):1006-1009. SCI
2. A Preliminary Investigation of Laparoscopic Fundoplication Treatment on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease-related Respiratory Symptoms. Zhang CC, Wang ZG, …, Hu ZW, Zhu G, Ning Y, Li Z. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2012, 22:406-409. SCI
3. Anti-reflux Procedure for Difficult-to-treat Asthmatic Children, Case Report and Literature Review. Hu ZW, Wang ZG, Wu JM, Tan ST. Multidiscip Respir Med. 2012, 7:28. SCI
4. Aortic Deceleration Injury Treated by Endograft: Case Report with 11-Year Follow-up. Hu ZW, Wang ZG, et al. Case Report in Vascular Surgery. 2012. 2012: 608358. Pubmed
5. Wang ZG, Li CM, Hu ZW. Aortic dissection. In: Davies AH, ed. Fast Facts: Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Highlights 2011–12. Oxford, UK: Health Press Limited; 2012: 78-86. BOOK
6. Meso-Cavo-Jugular Shunt for Complicated Portal Hypertension: A Case Report With 8 Years of Follow-Up. Hu ZW, Wang ZG, Gu YQ, Chen B, Zhu GC . Ann Vasc Surg. 2013. SCI
7. Gastroesophageal reflux in Bronchiectasis and the effect of anti-reflux treatment. Hu ZW, Wang ZG, Zhang Y, Wu JM, Liu JJ, Lu FF, et al. BMC Pulm Med. 2013;13:34. SCI
8. Experimental study for the mechanism of gastroesophageal-reflux-associated asthma Zhu GC, Gao X, Wang ZG, Hu ZW, Zhang CC, Lai YG, Ji F, Wu JM Dis Esophagus. 2013;1-7. SCI
9. Evaluation of PHBHHx and PHBV/PLA fibers used as medical sutures He Y, Hu ZW, Mengda Ren MD, et a...